What do you know about Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon?

Every small step is progress

We have an 8-year-old daughter named Melda who lives in The Hague, Netherlands. Melda has been experiencing symptoms such as scar redness, pain and swelling in her eyes from time to time for 5 years. The sighting rate also decreased to 20 percent during this time. She is under the supervision of the best pediatric opthalmologists in the Netherlands. Symptoms have been evaluated for 5 years under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Nicoline Schalij-Delfos. They also communicate with other ophthalmologists around the world, but unfortunately, a definitive diagnosis could not be made. 

They suspected the *splendore hoeppli phenomenon*. We gave Melda Tacrolimus (from April 2020 untill june 2021). First this medicine had effect but later the symptoms came back. Whit this website we hope to find other patients who have the Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon. And we hope to get some new insight about this phenomenon and the cure for with the help of all doctors who will visit this website and are willing to give their opinion. Every small step is progress.

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